Sophia Dimmer is the Chief Operating Officer for NOSIPHO, LLC. She graduated the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee with a degree in Political Science with a double minor in Women and Gender Studies as well as International Studies. Sophia is very well-versed in cultures, and she plans on using her knowledge throughout the company in many different ways.


“My intention in life is, at the end of it all, to look back and know I lived feeling full.

Full of hope and compassion, generosity and humility, some truly genuine laughs, and the knowledge that I took as many opportunities to better myself as I could handle. NOSIPHO LLC is about new opportunities.

It's about community and sharing our abundance with anyone and everyone who may need it. I was drawn to this immediately and I'm incredibly fortunate that Nosi gave me the chance to evolve this further alongside her.

We find purpose in encouraging people to move towards whatever makes them feel full. We are here for a good time, an authentic time, and most importantly, you.”

-Sophia Dimmer, COO of NOSIPHO, LLC.