Black Love

A lot of people don’t understand the meaning behind love or black love.

My relationship with Thomas hasn’t always been an easy ride, but I understand black love. Through understanding black love, I have found that there is a lot to unpack.

No matter the race, the generations before us made messes and it has our turn to clean it up.

There were times in my relationship where I didn’t understand why my behavior was so… toxic.

I would ask myself, why am I lying?

Why am I cheating?

Why am I drinking?

Why are we arguing?

Why don’t we know how to love one another like in the movies?

Thomas and I decided that enough was enough:

We decided that we are going to go to therapy, even when things are going well.

We decided that we are going to take time to talk about our mistakes, and above all, apologize.

We decided to choose humility.

Generational trauma can mess up your relationship if you let it.


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