
I always thought that I am way too young to be making a “things I’ve learned in my twenties” post. I could’ve sworn that I haven’t reached that level yet. However, after attaining my bachelors, becoming a Registered Nurse, moving across the country, growing on social media, traveling the world, having a very public manic episode, being engaged, going to backstage VIP events…OH… And getting pregnant.. I think I owe it to myself to create a “things I’ve learned in my twenties” post.

  1. Let the good times role… On a budget though or you WILL be broke throughout all of your twenties.

  2. You can be friendly without being friends.

  3. California girls ain’t got sh*t on the midwest baddies… I said it.

  4. America is so different girl… States should truly be countries.

  5. Stay up to date with the news around the world.

  6. Be Useful.

  7. Let those who don’t show appreciation for you walk away from you. Let those who love you, love you. There is no need to surround yourself with negative energy.

  8. Bloom wherever you are planted, even if the soil is tough.. BLOOM.

  9. If you have a problem with the government, be the change. Sitting and complaining about it isn’t doing much for our society.

  10. Our generation is ruthless. I love it.

  11. Smiling is free. Don’t be a brat.

  12. Be mindful of who you exert your energy to, there are some people in the world that want to use your energy to better themselves… Those people are also called leeches or serpents… Snakes… Blood suckers. Those are not your friends.

  13. You are more than enough. Even if you have to walk alone sometimes, know that you are more than enough. You are excellence, and it is 1000% okay to be alone, if you feel lonely when you are alone lean to God and your God-given gifts. Your Nosipho’s (“gift from God”).

  14. CUT THAT FAKE A$$ FRIEND OFF. CUT THAT BOYFRIEND/GIRLFRIEND OFF… HONEY… Let me tell you something, if you are gonna sit here and waste your twenties on someone who clearly does not love you, who does not want to learn how to love you, who does not WANT you… be my guest. However, you will be much happier walking ALONE than feening off of the fake validation that you’re seeking from someone who doesn’t even blink an eye at your existence.

  15. Drink more water bookie bear.

  16. SLEEP. There is no reason for you to be awake unless you have a child or something… Go to bed.

  17. Move your body. As you age you’ll notice that your body is changing/aging too, so take advantage of your youth.

  18. Take the risk. Take the leap of faith. This is your time to make moves, memories and mistakes without people saying you’re, “too old”.

  19. Pray. Your relationship with God should begin to increase as your journey in life lengthens. I find that attending church, prayer, and manifestations have helped me the most during my twenties.

  20. Protect your peace. This can be practiced in many ways such as, taking that day off for your mental health. Honestly, taking time to give your brain a a break to rest is not only necessary, but healing. I’m team, CALL IN TO PROTECT YOUR SANITY. We all need a day to breathe sometimes.

I hope this was able to give you some clarity into the reality of being in your twenties.

Lots of love to you,

Nosipho Relebohile Monese, BSN, RN, CEO.

